divendres, 3 de setembre del 2010

Shot window city

Foto del "Tower Bridge" de Londres

"Shop window city

of cardboard duplex apartments,

of dirty corners,

of buyers

and people for sale,

of given fears,

of empty flats,

of ruins

of impertiment cranes

of mechanical noises

and of human silences,

of hidden stars,

of constant watches
where everything is always a second away
of the last explosion".

Extret de: ALLIBERANT POEMES (http://www.alliberantpoemes.blogspot.com).

2 comentaris:

  1. Gràcies per la publicitat Joan, celebro que t'agradi.

    Una abraçada!

  2. De fet, potser m'agradaria venir a les festes de Poblenou. Ja ens contactarem.
